Tuesday, November 13, 2012

THE NEW YORK TIMES, 11-11-12 - 11-17-12

i wish the back ground music for this post could be the music stella is playing. it's so beautiful :) we're face timing right now. NEW YORK TIMES this week we are interviewing Stella Perkins. Her foaorite color is blue green yellow. her favorite person in her house family is her dad. her favorite aunt is aunt terra. her favorite uncle is uncle joe. her favorite cousin is ME, isabella harris. her favortie stuffed animal is her teddy bear twinckle. her favorite toy is my stuffed turtle, and twinckle. her favorite person in the world is haruka. her favorite book is charoletts web. her favorite comic book is pandemonium her favorite word is decipher because it's cool and it's like a spy word her favorite event that has ever happend is being able to eat sushi and dumplings her worst tragetty is moving from st louis and her favorite cousin And there we have it Stella, or Allets's first interview :) <3 Newest entry Each level in the Jounor rights news program has a person from the staff interveiwed several times until the students gets 100% as the levels go up it gets harder. the questions are more callenging for the staff too. some easy questions are: whats your favorite color, or, whats your favorite state? some harder questions are: whos you favorite person? or, whats your favorite book? these are harder because it takes the person longer to answer, and the reporter has to think of the questions them selves, next week, more on Isabella and Grace.


Rise said...

Wow! Another reporter in the family. Your Great-Grandpa Crissman was a reporter too. This was fun to read. Good job!

Unknown said...

Love it!!!!! BTW it's Mikayla. Maybe you could report whats happening at your house too!

Terra-give me a tail wind said...

What a great interview! I hope you'll do more and blog about them.

Isa H. said...



Isa H. said...


this message is from stella,
thank you for commenting, i realy
lllllllllllllllllllloooooooooooooooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, you

Isa H. said...



Photosaurus said...

When is the next report? I need to know what is going on in the world.

Isabella said...

i don't really know. probably some time this week.
to uncle quentin
from isasmella