Today I watched care-bears. I like care bears because it teaches children to care about caring and being nice to people even if someone is bothering or being rude or mean to them. So the children can learn all about being nice and it teaches the children to not ...well not to make bad choices or being rude or not be disobedient . Plus it's a good show and Iiii like it. That's why I love the care-bears.
I loved watching Care Bears when I was your age! I also had Sleepy Time Bear as a special stuffed toy.
One day I dropped him in the toilet and I had to get him out and have Grandmama wash him for me before I could play with him again.
I'm glad you are the kind of kid who appreciates Care Bears. This would be a better world if everyone did!
I have good luck bear, sunshine bear, grumpy bear, and I have your sleepy time bear.Also if you remember Puddles, Well when I was little in blowing rock in our apartment I was going to the bath room and droped puddles in the toilet. That's why I named him puddles.
Well thank you . Your right
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