Friday, May 1, 2015
My first day of Bulldog school
My first day of school was fun. I made new friends and had fun. It was very fun at school. The cafeteria was fun. I ate chicken nuggets and fruit salad and some chocolate milk at school. l

Eagle Wings
Sweet Briar Stories Presents One of its most Exiting Stories Yet!!!
Eagle Wings
By: Isabella S. Harris
(No Alterations, True Story)
(No Joke)
One day in mid February Vivian and I were sitting on the right dock of the Sweet Briar boathouse skipping stones across the lake. The sun would soon set and we were about to walk home on a trail in the woods behind our street. "Come on, hurry up." said Viv as she climbed the steep hill to the road. I climbed hurriedly after her and stumbled onto the trail next to her. The trail started out large and gravely but led to a small path barely visible under the fallen leaves of past falls. We jogged along it until the gravel ended. We finally got to the small path labeled BUCK and Viv took the lead. We walked for a while and talked about how sometimes Vivian and her dad would do trail rides on the trail. "How does Scooter even fit on this trail it's only about a foot wide and Scooter is wider than that", (Scooter is Viv's horse, he is about 20 years old and about a yard wide) "By a long shot but i usually ride a different horse." replied Viv. We passed some fallen logs that had been cut on the outline of the path and navigated some mud. At last we came to a fork. Left was a horse crossing and right was MABEL so we turned right and came to another fork. This time left was labeled HUNT and right was labeled MABEL. Again we took MABEL.
We walked for about ten meters when Vivian said, "I that a feather?" I took one look ahead of me and and ran the other direction, immediately scared out of my wits of what the feather belonged to. Viv hurried to keep up as i jumped through the mud and up the hill. The feather had been about two feet wide and at least 2 1/2 feet long. We cut through the woods up to her house and burst in the door panting heavily. We hadn't had time to look at it closely but we would soon find our size estimations to be correct.
A few days later we went back with our friend, Logan, who walked right up to it. Viv followed and eventually i walked up to the feather. I put my hands down, (which had been up defensively), and joined my friends in staring at this thing on the ground, which indeed was about the size we had estimated, but was definitely not a feather. We stared for a long while before Viv found a stick and began prodding at our new discovery. "No, no, no, stop it, don't do that i cried!" Logan stepped over it and looked at it from the other side.
We had found a real eagle wing in the woods. just the wing nothing else. and it was quit a disturbing sight to behold yet you couldn't look away. Viv pushed it off to the side of the trial, (which it had been in the middle of), and put down the stick. She got out her phone and took a picture of it. "Ok lets keep going, the trail head isn't far off." I whimpered but followed for fear of being left behind with whatever had done this to this bird.
About 50 yards up the trail Vivian stopped. "What?" i asked as i tried to follow her gaze. She began to go into the woods and stopped after a bout 10 meters. Logan and i followed. I looked at the wing laying in the undergrowth. it wasn't just the wing this time. it was the body, the body with only one wing. I wouldn't have been so creeped out by this new discovery but it had started snowing so my vision was blurred because of the white falling out of the sky.
Again Viv took a picture of it and proceeded up the path. Just before my house came into view she stopped again but this time i saw what she was looking at. it was what appeared to be a stump covered in these beautiful white mushrooms. Viv prepared her phone before she noticed that they were not mushrooms, they were old broken china dishes. I began to grow paranoid. Not only because of the snow or broken china, but of what had killed the bird. I shivered as we walked through the woods towards my house.
A few days later i was talking to my mom about the wings in the kitchen. we looked up the natural predators of an eagle and we think that the predator in this situation might have been an owl believe it or not. However My mom made a good point. She said that it might very well have been a human. i hadn't thought of that.
I thought back to my fear of what had killed the bird while i was hiking with Vivian and Logan. Then i thought about the possibility that it was a human. I realized that we get scared in situations and, in my situation, can't imagine even a natural predator doing this. What crazy beast would do such a thing? But what we don't realize is that sometimes it might be our next door neighbor, or anybody on your street. You might not know them personally but they are art of the human race and so are you. As i thought i realized that i could technically be fearing myself.
In Conclusion, Viv and i go back to these wings often and i am very proud to show them off. We have done research but have not yet figured out what kind of bird the wings belonged to. I have learned to treat my actions carefully, monitoring if i might be considered a beast. Some people reading this have seen these wings for yourself. i encourage these people to comment below. I hope that you enjoyed our story today. If you have any suggestions just contact us at and either me or Viv will publish your story ASAP.
Thanks for reading!
Harris family pic's
Recently I was looking at our flagged iPhoto pictures and came across some memorable ones I would like to share!
Mom & Me
Me & Em
Super excitement to the rescue!
My cheeks are so cute and pudgy
This picture I remember well
Just mindin' her own business really don't know
Best...Spring Day...EVER!!!
Yeah, I'm a stay at home videogamer
What happens when a girl falls and no one is around to see it? Oh I'll tell ya.
We later found that Miss. Gracieloo had strep
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Sorry for the Delay
I will not be able to get my newest story out until March 30th due to needed research.
Again, I am so sorry for the delay.
Again, I am so sorry for the delay.
Monday, February 16, 2015
Sweet Briar Stories & News
Since I cannot keep up with the Monthly or the Weekly news I decided i will have an unscheduled newspaper. It will come out whenever a new story arises. Expect a new story by March 1st.
There will also be reports on holidays, about the holiday,(Skipping Presidents day since that is today). This time I will not be alone. I am hiring two new reporters.
There will also be reports on holidays, about the holiday,(Skipping Presidents day since that is today). This time I will not be alone. I am hiring two new reporters.
Reporters info:
Primary reporter: Isabella S. Harris
Region: Sweet Briar College
Primary Reports: Stories & Weather
A) Reporter
B) Primary Typist
C) Editor/Publisher
Sites to get stories:
D) Microsoft Word
Secondary Reporter: Vivian M. Payne
Region: Sweet Briar College
Primary Reports: News
A) Reporter
B) Secondary Typist
Sites to get News:
C) G-mail
Primary Out of State Reporter: Grace K. Nish
Region: Denton TX
Primary Reports: Stories, News & Weather
A) Reporter
B) Primary etc. Typist
Sites to get Stories:
C) Microsoft Word
D) G-mail
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